Karin Shelley-Martens Gestalt Psychotherapy in East Kent


Individuals - £70 (60 min)
Therapists in training - £65 (60 min)
Supervision - £70 (60 min)

Payment by bank transfer, cash or cheque on or before the day of the session.
Bank transfer – Please make the payment to Karin Shelley-Martens, on the day of your appointment and identify yourself with your name or code word if possible.
Sort code: 07 01 16. Account number: 40 353 546.

There will be no charge if more than 24 hours notice of cancellation is given. If a session is cancelled within 24 hours, an alternative appointment during the same week may be offered if possible. If this cannot be arranged, the full fee will be charged.

Initial Meeting.

If we find that we have a mutually convenient time to meet regularly, we can arrange to have an initial meeting.

This gives both of us a chance to get a sense of each other and for me to get some more information about you. At the end of this meeting, we each have a choice about whether to continue or not.

I charge a normal fee for this session, unless you decide not to proceed, as I feel that it is important to be able to 'shop around' to find the right therapist for you.


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